
Mark Malburg Honored with Higgins Medal

Digital Metrology’s Dr. Mark Malburg recently received the 2020 Patrick Higgins Medal from ASME (the American Society of Mechanical Engineers). The annual award is presented to an individual who has contributed to the enhancement of standardization through contributions to the development and promotion of ASME codes and standards or conformity assessment programs.

ASME codes are recognized throughout the world for their excellence.  The Standardization group is one of the senior code writing bodies within ASME, with publication dating back over 100 years ago. The Higgins medal was established in 2006 to recognize voluntary codes and standards activity in the Society. 

This award is named for Patrick Higgins, who chaired ASME’s A112 Committee on Plumbing Material & Equipment for over eighteen years. He also served as a Vice President of C&S Standardization.