“Metrology” from design through production
When many people think of metrology, they think of quality labs, certification programs, and calibrating scales. Metrology, though, is the science of measurement—and that has much broader implications from design all the way through to packaging.
Though our name has “Metrology” in it, our real service is helping people understand their parts and components.
Upstream, we help designers to bake in performance, understand performance differences during testing, and define how parts should be specified.
Downstream, we integrate measurement and production tools to provide efficient feedback, and we help diagnose changes in processes and address part failures before they leave the floor.
“Metrology” for us is really shorthand for “using measurement to address issues of measurement uncertainty, geometrical specification, compliance, calibration and out-of-tolerance related manufacturing issues.”
Leverage our measurement experience
Our goal is always to address the issue at hand…but our mission is to provide tools that let engineers, quality professionals, management, technicians, and operators all understand and interpret measurement data.
When you’re faced with difficult process or product design issues, you can leverage our decades of measurement expertise. Not only will we help your team to solve the problem, but we can develop production-ready measurement systems to monitor and control the results.
“‘Metrology’ for us is shorthand for “using measurement to address issues of uncertainty, geometrical specification, compliance, calibration, and out-of-tolerance related manufacturing issues.”

Onsite consulting — more than you’d expect!
As consultants we aim to thoroughly understand your measurement challenges, and to help you find solutions that make long-term sense.
A typical “consulting” day starts with a morning training session on how to analyze data, using your company’s processes, specifications, and data as source material. In the afternoon, when we dive into your particular projects, everyone can understand what is happening and can participate in finding the solutions.

Testing instrument performance
When you’re purchasing a measurement system, or when you’re trying to determine why measurement results conflict, we provide the unbiased data you need to make solid decisions. We draw on decades of experience, and a library of reference specimens, to compare systems, settings, and procedures so you can trust the results you see. Read more in this article.
A sample of our reference specimens library for verifying and comparing measurement results.
Keeping up with measurement trends and tech
As measurement consultants, we make it a priority to stay up-to-date on metrology trends and new measurement technologies.
Digital Metrology actively participates in ASME and ISO standards committees. We collaborate with instrument manufacturers, universities, and national laboratories to stay close to the latest tools and technologies. And, we are deeply involved in studying and determining measurement uncertainties for dimensional and surface metrology applications.
Whether it’s through our partnerships with metrology equipment providers, our involvement with SAE, or our many contributions to technical papers, Digital Metrology helps bring ever-evolving metrology knowledge to bear on your particular challenges.