The OmniSurf3D data file format

Digital Metrology wants you to be able to access and explore your data as easily as possible. After all—it is YOUR DATA. 

Recently Digital Metrology created the OmniSurf3D  data file format (*.os3d) for efficient storage, reading, and writing of surface topography data. This file format is portable across operating systems and can be coded directly without 3rd party libraries. Reading and writing can be easily achieved in programming environments including C#, Visual Basic, Java, MATLAB®, and many others.

The .os3d format is a single, binary file containing height and image information. The file structure is a simple list of heading entries and a block of surface heights. When an image overlay is available for the data, it is added to the file as a PNG compressed bitmap.

An .os3d file is significantly smaller than a traditional, ASCII SDF file—and smaller files mean more space on your data drives!

Even more importantly, the combination of binary data and a PNG image gives incredibly fast load times for greatly improved productivity.

Use OmniSurf3D surface texture analysis software to create .os3d data files from any loaded data set. That means you can convert your current data into .os3d files for archiving and future analysis… just watch how fast your batch processing can be with .os3d files!

Download example C# source code for reading and writing .os3d files:

An example .os3d data file for this image can be found here:  DigMetPenLogo.os3d

The .os3d file description is available here: OmniSurf3D-FileFormat-v1p01.pdf

The OS3D File Structure

char[10]          chArrayFileType
Int32             nMajorVersion
Int32             nMinorVersion
Int32             nIdentificationStringLength
char[80]          chArrayIdentification
Int32             nMeasureDateTimeStringLength
char[15]          chArrayMeasureDateTime
Int32             nPointsAlongX
Int32             nPointsAlongY
double            dSpacingAlongXUM
double            dSpacingAlongYUM
double            dXOriginUM
double            dYOriginUM
float[nY,nX]      fSurfaceMapUM
Boolean           bHasImage
Byte array        imageOverlayPNG   (optional)


For more information on the OS3D file format or how you can better understand your surfaces, contact Digital Metrology  today!