

3D surface texture analysis software

 “OmniSurf3D is simple, very easy to use, and gives incredibly detailed results.

Daniele DeFranceschi, professor, School of Engineering at St. Clair College

Explore and understand your surface data

OmniSurf3D is powerful software for exploring and interacting with areal 3D surface texture data. Fast, visual, and easy to learn, OmniSurf3D lets you see your surfaces like never before.

OmniSurf3D makes it easy for non-experts to learn and use, but it also includes rich analysis capabilities to satisfy power users as well. And, it costs thousands less than competing software, with all features included, right out of the box. 

Digital Metrology OmniSurf3D Surface Texture Analysis Software - Rotation and Animation

Offline analysis software you can use at your desk

Analyze data from hundreds of instruments

Extremely easy to learn

Loaded with powerful, unique features

Thousands of dollars less than competing software

Analyze surface texture data anywhere

A lot of us analyze data right on the instrument, with the software it came with. That software excels at acquiring data, but the analysis capabilities often fall short. The output may just be a few basic parameters or simple graphics.

OmniSurf3D takes surface analysis away from the measurement instrument. It lets you analyze data at your desk, on the factory floor, wherever you need to see results. Omnisurf3D provides tools that let you interact with data as easily as if you were holding it in your hands. Settings are a click away, and easy to understand.

The result: surface texture data that’s easy to visualize and share—with your team, your customers, and management.

I really am enjoying working with your software. It is so easy to use and much more user friendly than the software that came with our measurement system.”

Carrie Rowe, University of Minnesota’s Department of Anthropology


Analyze data from virtually any instrument

OmniSurf3D handles data files from hundreds of measurement instruments, in dozens of file formats—even XYZ point clouds. Now you can analyze data on one common, easy-to-use platform, and share it with everyone that’s involved in part design, production and quality..

  • Digital Metrology (OS3D)
  • 3-Column Comma Separated (CSV)
  • 3 Column Text (TXT)
  • 4D Technology (XYZ, OPD, CSV)
  • Alicona (AL3D, ALRL3D)
  • BCR-STM files (BCRF, BCR)
  • Breitmeier Messtechnik-BMT (PR, MV)
  • Bruker, Veeco, Wyko (OPD, OPDX)
  • DWFritz (PSL)
  • DigtalSurf (SUR)
  • E-Measure2 (EMD)
  • Filmetrics (TXT)
  • GelSight (TMB)
  • Geomagic (ASC)
  • Gleason (TXT)
  • Gocator (CSV)
  • Gwyddion (GWY, GSF)
  • Hirox (CSV)
  • Image Files (BMP, DIB, JPG, JPEG, PNG, TIF, TIFF)
  • ISO (SDF)
  • ISO25178-72 (X3P)
  • Keyence (CSV, TAI, VK3, VK4, VK6, VK7, ZON)
  • MapVue (MAP)
  • NanoFocus (NMS)
  • Nanometrics (OMS)
  • Nikon (POS, RAW)
  • Olympus (DSX, CSV)
  • Open Topography (ASC)
  • PLY files (PLY)
  • Polytech (TMS)
  • RhoPoint (RES)
  • Seewig (TXT)
  • Sensofar (PLUX)
  • SPIP (ASC)
  • STEP Cartesian Points (STP, STEP)
  • Stereolithography, 3D Printing (STL)
  • VDA Point Clouds (VDA)
  • Virtual Reality / LIDAR (GLB, OBJ, USDZ)
  • Zeiss (VDA)
  • Zemetrics (ZMP)
  • Zeta Instruments (DAT, ZMG)
  • Zygo (DAT, DATX, XYZ)

Don’t see a file type that you need in the list below? Contact us and we will be glad to help you see your data like never before!

OmniSurf3D handles data from various sources and is incredibly easy to navigate.”

Dr. Erik Henrikson, Director of Innovation, Ping 

Easy-to-learn interface guides you through analysis

Most surface texture software hits you with a daunting array of settings that can dramatically affect data in difficult-to-interpret ways.

OmniSurf3D is designed to make exploring data easy, whether you’re new to surface texture or a metrology expert. It guides you through the steps of processing, with an intuitive interface that shows the results in real time. You can see how your analysis affects the results—so you can see how the texture affects your component’s performance.

You really make it easier for your users. OmniSurf3D is way too friendly and intuitive.”

Jack Clark, Surface Analytics

OmniSurf3D’s Pre-Processing cleans up missing pixels and outliers quickly and preserves data integrity in the process.

To say I’m impressed with the 3D software would be an understatement.

– Optics Specialist and OmniSurf3D user

To see surface texture, you need to first remove the nominal shape. OmniSurf3D provides a range of geometry options to match most surfaces and reveal the underlying surface details.

OmniSurf3D has a number of very clever features and tools that aren’t found in most others software. And, it’s faster than anything I’ve seen with complex calculations, filtering etc.”

– Don Cohen. President Michigan Metrology, LLC

OmniSurf3D helps you to quickly filter surface texture so you can focus on the wavelengths that matter for your application, from short-wavelength roughness to longer wavelength waviness and form. Change the cutoff wavelengths with a click. You can even view waviness superimposed over roughness! 

The Wavelength Content graph—unique to OmniSurf3D—shows you the wavelengths in your data more clearly and intuitively than in any other software.

The Wavelength Content graph on the left shows a strong peak due to turning marks. After polishing (right) the peak has been removed.

Rich visualizations help you see texture. Real numbers help you control it. OmniSurf3D has you covered, with the parameters you need to specify and control surface texture. OmniSurf3D calculates dozens of standard ISO Parameters as well as unique parameters tailored for particular applications. You can configure the output to display as few or as many parameters as your application requires.

Below are some examples of parameters that are calculated by OmniSurf3D:

  • Fask
  • Fasr
  • Fsphr
  • Sa
  • Sa (user wavelength band)
  • Sal
  • Sc-x, Sc-y
  • Scvx-x, Scvx-y
  • Sda
  • Sdc
  • Sdq
  • Sdr
  • Sdv
  • Sk
  • Sku
  • Smdv
  • Smq
  • Smr, Smr1, Smr2
  • Sp
  • Spc
  • Spd
  • Spden
  • Spk
  • Spk/k
  • Spk/vk
  • Spm25
  • Spq
  • Spr
  • Sq
  • Sreg
  • Ss1x, Ss2x
  • Ssd
  • Ssk
  • Ssm-x, Ssm-y
  • Ssrm
  • Sstgx, Sstgy
  • Ssx
  • Sszm
  • Sszq
  • St
  • St1x, St2x
  • Stc, Stc-x, Stc-y
  • Std
  • Str
  • Stx
  • Sv
  • Svc
  • SvdSvdd-x, Svdd-y
  • Svden
  • Svdm-x, Svdm-y
  • Svk
  • Svk/k
  • Svm25
  • Svo
  • Svoid, Svoid-x, Svoid-y
  • Svq
  • Svr
  • Sz
  • Sz25
  • Szf
  • Vmc
  • Vmp
  • Vvc
  • Vvd
  • Vvv

Batch process measurement files, fast

If you deal with large amounts of data you know how grueling it can be to process individual data files. OmniSurf3D is lightning-fast at handling large, 3D datasets. Import, analyze, and save multiple files with drag-and-drop simplicity.

Batch processing is one of its most powerful features. It’s as easy as any function like this should work.”

– Joe O’Hearn, Process Engineering Manager, Supfina North America

Powerful visuals bring texture to life

OmniSurf3D is loaded with features that make data easy to interpret, analyze, and share. Here are just a few of the dozens of features in OmniSurf3D that will change how you look at surface texture data!

Digital Metrology- OmniSurf3D 3D surface texture analysis software  side-by-side data comparison view

See the impact of your analysis

Side-by-side comparison let you see the effects of all of your analysis steps. It’s the fast way to see the “before” and “after” for everything you do in OmniSurf3D.


Creating an XY profile through data is as easy a dragging a cursor. Once you’ve selected the profile you can view heights and widths anywhere along the trace.

The cross-section tool even shows you the minimum pixel resolution of the measurement instrument, displayed as dots along the profile.

Need even more profile analysis? One click will export the current profile to Digital Metrology’s world-renowned OmniSurf (2D) software package
(sold separately, or included as a bundle).

3D Surface Texture cross-sectioning tools in OmniSurf3D. XY Profile analysis

Motion brings an added level of visualization power. Analyzing a gasket measurement with OmniSurf3D software from Digital Metrology

Rotation and Animation

OmniSurf3D lets you spin data as if you’re holding it your hand. But it goes further, too, letting you animate the motion, record it, and drop it into a presentation to share. It’s a powerful tool for describing texture and for showing how it relates to function—even for an audience that is new to surface texture.

Read more about Animation

Interactive Filtering

Every surface is made up of a range of wavelengths. OmniSurf3D lets you see the wavelengths that affect your application, at a glance. Now you can see, specify, and control the critical wavelengths for any application. There’s never been an easier tool to show what’s in your data!

See Interactive Filtering in Action

Digital Metrology OmniSurf3D Surface Texture Analysis Software -Interactive FIltering


Just click and drag to crop to the area of interest, so you can focus on the information that matters.

The changes can be undone as well, so you won’t lose any of the original data.

Image Overlay

Viewing a surface in its “true colors” really helps us relate to data. Side-by-side views of the height map and the image reveal greater detail than a false-color map can ever do.

Learn more about Image Overlay

Areal 3D Surface Texture image overlay- Digital Metrology

surface texture software - curved profile tool,omnisurf3d, digital metrology

Curved Profile Tool

Sometimes roughness matters along a curved path — but a stylus can’t measure along a curve. The Path/Curve Cross Section lets you construct a curved path over your data and analyze the profile along that curve. Find out more in this Surface Matters blog post.

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Wear Analysis

The Wear Analysis tool lets you precisely define reference and wear regions and calculate key parameters about the worn scar, such as wear depth and wear volume. This powerful tool makes it easy to explore and analyze a wear scar and to understand how the surface has been worn.

Learn more about the Wear Analysis Tool

You may also want to check out the Profile Wear Analysis tool.

wear scar on a spherical surface, measure wear depth, measure wear volume

Powerful analysis with unique features and visualizations

OmniSurf3D is incredibly affordable. But if you think “affordable” means it’s light on features, OmniSurf3D will quickly change your mind! It includes unique analysis capabilities that you won’t find in any software, even the most expensive. And, where some software companies make you pay extra for unique features, we include all of these capabilities, standard. And, we are adding more features all the time, which you’ll enjoy in periodic upgrades!

Feature Detection

Digital Metrology OmniSurf3D Surface Texture Analysis Software - Feature Detection, Wolf Pruning

This powerful analysis lets you analyze hills, pits, peaks, saddles, ridge lines and course line, based on ISO 25178 feature detection (Wolf Pruning) methods and parameters.

Pits and Porosity

Digital Metrology OmniSurf3D Surface Texture Analysis - Pit-Porosity Analysis

This powerful analysis locates pits and pores and calculates their depths and volumes. You can even see how they connect to form potential leak paths.

See How It’s Used

Plateau Analysis

Digital Metrology OmniSurf3D Surface Texture Analysis - Plateau Honing Analysis

Explore your honed surfaces, examine the Material Ratio Curve or Probability Analysis, and calculate the crosshatch angle.

Watch the Plateau Honing video

Morphological Filters

Digital Metrology OmniSurf3D Surface Analysis Software - Morphological Filters

Powerful morphological tools allow you to explore curvature-related surface features. For example, use a morphological closing filter (a “virtual gasket” to explore sealing surfaces.

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Peak Analysis

Digital Metrology OmniSurf3D Surface Texture Analysis Software - Crosshatch Analysis

The Peak Analysis is an interactive tool for visualizing the peak material and spotting important interactions, such as ridges that connect from top-to-bottom or left-to-right.

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Material Ratio & Probability

Material Ratio Curve -  Bearing Ratio Curve - Digital Metrology

OmniSurf3D’s Material Ratio Curve and Material Probability Curve make it easy to see the peak, valley and core regions of a surface and provide great insight into how a surface will run in and wear.

View the Material Ratio Curve video

Surface Editor

Most surface analysis software includes tools for addressing missing pixels and outliers.OmniSurf3D’s Surface Editor Tool, lets you selectively repair missing data and data errors interactively.

See it in action

Batch Processing

Digital Metrology OmniSurf3D Surface Texture Analysis Software - Peak Analysis

If you deal with large amounts of data you know how grueling it can be to process individual data files. OmniSurf3D is lightning-fast at handling large, 3D datasets. Import, analyze, and save multiple files with drag-and-drop simplicity.

3D Printing

OmniSurf3D now includes the ability to export a 3D solid STL model of your surface for 3D printing: An interactive plot shows you exactly what will print. It’s the ultimate in 3D surface exploration!

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Profile Wear Analysis

Digital Metrology OmniSurf3D Surface Analysis Software - Morphological Filters

The interactive Wear Analysis tool that lets you apply a cutting plane to analyze the depth, area and volume of wear scars.

Watch a video

You may also want to check out the Wear Analysis Tool

Elliptical Cross-section

Digital Metrology OmniSurf3D Surface Texture Analysis Software - Surface Editor

Create a profile along an elliptical path to view, for example, how a round gasket may seal with a mating surface.

XY Profile Analysis

Surface texture analysis - 3D surface texture - y profile analysis in OmniSurf3D - Digital Metrology

The unique “sparkline” feature lets you spot trends in your 2D profiles at a glance. It helps you see which parameters are most sensitive to the variations that occur in the particular surface.

See how it works

Crosshatch Analysis

Digital Metrology OmniSurf3D Surface Texture Analysis Software - Peak Analysis

OmniSurf3D’s Wear Analysis is an interactive tool that lets you apply a OmniSurf3D lets you automatically detect and analyze the crosshatch angles for your surface. You can even load image files and calculate crosshatch angles directly from them.

Plateau Honing in OmniSurf3D

Aspheric Lens Analysis

Digital Metrology OmniSurf3D Surface Texture Analysis Software - Asphere  Analysis for aspheric lenses

Most surface analysis software includes Configuring an aspheric reference geometry is very easy in OmniSurf3D. Handy features such as one-click “radius optimization” and terms exporting make asphere analysis fast.

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Zonal Flatness

The Zonal Flatness analysis reports local flatness in a highly visual, easy-to-interpret display—a vast improvement over the rudimentary output from must measurement software.

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Open Image File

Drag and drop an image directly into OmniSurf3D to look at surface characteristics such as void space, porosity, machining patterns, etc. The spatial information in the image lets you look at these aspects in quantitative as well as qualitative fashion—all using just an image file as the starting point. 

.Learn More

1:1 Viewing

How steep are those valleys? 3D surface data typically exaggerates feature heights, which can skew our interpretation of the surface. The 1:1 feature provides a quick reality check, showing what it would really be like to “walk on the surface.”

Software your whole team can use

OmniSurf3D is designed to help non-experts to explore and understand surface texture, while also providing powerful features that support the most advanced users.

Our goal with OmniSurf3D is to provide a platform that lets your entire team see and share data. When designers, quality professionals, management, customers and vendors. OmniSurf3D is a platform for bringing surface analysis out of the lab and putting at everyone’s desk. It’s simple to use, loaded with powerful features, and affordable enough that you can outfit your entire work group for the price of one copy of competitive software.

System requirements

  • Windows 10 or later (64-bit)
  • 8 GB RAM or better
  • 1080p graphics (at 100% zoom) recommended for optimal viewing experience.

The bottom line

OmniSurf3D combines a dynamic and engaging user experience, incredible processing horsepower and a simple and streamlined interface – all at a price so surprisingly low that the buying decision is one of the easiest you’ll ever make. You also get upgrades for the lifetime of the software, and no annual maintenance fees.

What are you waiting for? Contact Digital Metrology and start seeing your surfaces in a whole new way!